Invasive Weed Identification, Removal & Reseeding
| 07:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Picture Canyon Natural & Cultural Preserve
Gardening - All Ages
Come help us manage invasive weeds at Picture Canyon, to keep it the beautiful place that it is! Learn about invasive weeds, learn to identify them and the best ways to remove them, and help us spread native grass/flower seed to crowd out the invasives. This event is (almost) every other Wednesday morning from June-September, 7-10am. We meet at the Picture Canyon trail head, 3920 N El Paso Flagstaff Rd. Come join the fun!
Sign Up for Updates
Registration is not required for this activity, but by clicking "sign up" you will receive a reminder and updates about this program.
General InfoSylvia Struss
(928) 213-2328
City of Flagstaff Volunteer Agreement
Sign Up Info
Activity Contact
Sylvia Struss
(928) 213-2328