Code Compliance
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of Code Compliance. Volunteer today!

Graffiti Busters
Graffiti Busters volunteers help remove graffiti from public spaces and improve the quality of life in their community. Their tasks include:
- Assessing and documenting graffiti: Volunteers document the extent and type of graffiti in a given area, including the location and whether it's on public or private property along with providing a photo of each piece.
- When Graffiti is on Private Property, Staff or our Volunteers will get a “Permission to Enter” document signed before Graffiti is abated.
- Removing graffiti: Volunteers remove graffiti from a variety of surfaces, such as power boxes, bricks, and telephone poles.
- Monitoring for graffiti: Volunteers continue to monitor the area for new graffiti.
- Managing stickers: Volunteers manage stickers placed on buildings.
- Cleaning chalk drawings: Volunteers clean chalk drawings from sidewalks.
Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Graffiti Busters volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Kevin Dunlap
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of Library. Volunteer today!

Book & Materials Repair Assistant
Keeping library materials in good repair is an essential part of maintaining the collection. If you enjoy being behind the scenes and making a difference and have good attention to detail, the Flagstaff Public Library has a need for you.

Collection Support
Volunteers assist the library in a variety of ways. The location’s volunteer coordinator determines what help is needed on an ongoing basis. Tasks will vary depending upon the day of the week and time of day the volunteer is available. Tasks can include: shifting, shelf reading, shelving, collection maintenance, weeding, and more.

Digitization Specialist
The Flagstaff Public Library is digitizing some of its collection and needs enthusiastic volunteers who are meticulous about detail and comfortable with technology. Skills with Photoshop are also desirable but not required. The ideal candidate is dedicated and available between 8:00 and 5:00, Monday - Friday.

Interlibrary Loan Helper
Helps find requested items from the Interlibrary system, prepare items to send to libraries that made those requests, and assist the Interlibrary Loan Specialist.

PALsmobile Shelver
Shelve items on the PALsmobile using the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, ensuring items are re-shelved correctly, and that books appear neat and orderly. Volunteer will meet with the PALsmobile Librarian at an offsite location to report for volunteering.

Photography Volunteer
A volunteer in this role will take photographs and videos at programs and around the library to be used in library media. A camera will be provided by the library.

Program Assistance
A volunteer in this role will assist with program setup, clean up, and/or other tasks related to the program. A volunteer in this role will need to commit to assisting with designated programs.

Program Kit Volunteer
A volunteer in this role will assist with packing take-home kits and prepping other materials for self-directed programs.

Resume and Job Help Tutor
Assist patrons in editing and creating resumes, review job applications for errors, and help with submission of these items for a job.

Seed Steward
The Seed Library Steward would sort and re-package seeds, create informational handouts, and answer patron questions about gardening and seed cultivation. The ideal volunteer must have knowledge of seed cultivation in order to educate the public as much as possible about how to harvest and return seeds from the plants they grow with borrowed seeds. Additionally, the ideal volunteer would be willing to help us keep our outdoor planters healthy and thriving, with opportunity to cultivate seeds from the plants. This would entail contributing to a watering schedule, and advising on rotating planter contents. Master Gardener certification is preferred.

Signage & Policy Translator
<p>A volunteer in this role will take photographs and videos at programs and around the library to be used in library media. A camera will be provided by the library.</p>

Technology and Computer Tutor
Provide assistance with introductory software, social media, smartphones, creating email accounts, downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks, résumé development, online job applications, etc. Instructors must have advanced technology/software knowledge or previous technology/software instruction experience.

Teen Volunteer
- Volunteers assist the library in a variety of ways. The location’s volunteer coordinator determines what help is needed on an ongoing basis. Tasks will vary depending upon the day of the week and time of day the volunteer is available. Generally teen volunteers help with maintaining Teen and Children room’s cleanliness and organization. Other tasks are available based on volunteer’s interest and career goals.

Tidying Volunteer
A volunteer in this role will assist with cleaning, tidying, and other stewardship tasks at the library. Tasks will need to be completed on a monthly, bi-weekly, and otherwise semi-regular basis.
Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Events
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Events. Volunteer today!

Open Space Steward
Open Space Stewards are ongoing volunteers (20 hours per year) visiting Open Space properties as our "eyes and ears," reporting back concerns, helping visitors find their way, and participating in outdoor projects to maintain the long-term health of Flagstaff’s beautiful Open Spaces. Volunteers will be trained to respond to questions, monitor trails for safety and resource protection, promote ethical use, and alert staff of situations that require attention. Open Space Stewards may hike, bike, or ride their own horse provided that all regulations are followed. Apply here
- Learn more...
Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Open Space Steward volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Sylvia Struss
(928) 213-2328

Open Space volunteer
Volunteer with Flagstaff Open Space either occasionally or for a few hours doing trash clean-up, trail maintenance, invasive weed removal and re-seeding, barbed wire fence repair/removal, serving on the Open Spaces Commission, or doing some office work.
- Learn more...
Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Open Space volunteer volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Sylvia Struss
(928) 213-2328
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of Sustainability. Volunteer today!

- Remove litter from adopted section of the Flagstaff Urban Trail System (FUTS) and report if there are items too large for removal such as mattresses, shopping carts, or small furniture.
- Report cleanup activities l (Number of trash/recycling bags, participants, hours spent on the cleanup and photos).
Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Adopt-A-FUTS volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Sanoma Boynton
(928) 699-6447

- Remove invasive plant species, woody debris and litter from the stream channel and report items too large for removal such large branches, mattresses, shopping carts, small furniture, etc... Items too large for removal are items that the volunteers do not feel comfortable to remove or do not have the means to transport.
- Tracking impacts by recording the number of bags of trash and invasive plant species removed. Submit photos of volunteer efforts
Ready to get involved?

- Remove litter from adopted section and report if there are items too large for removal such as mattresses, shopping carts, or small furniture.
- Report cleanup activities through email (Number of trash/recycling bags, participants, hours spent on the cleanup and photos).
Ready to get involved?
Apply below for the Adopt-An-Ave volunteer role.
Questions? Contact Sanoma Boynton
(928) 699-6447

Community Steward - Adopt-A- Programs
The Community Stewards Program works to empower community members to take action, encourage resilience through volunteerism, and increase the health of the community. The program consists of three “Adopt-A” style programs where individuals or groups commit to maintaining designated sections of trails, roadways, or stream sections by removing litter, invasive species, stream blocking woody vegetation and debris.
Community Steward Volunteers may request supplies for any of their coordinated clean-up efforts. They must submit a request for supplies at least two weeks prior to any clean-up effort. The following supplies are available for “check-out”:
- Safety vests
- Disposable gloves
- Trash pickers
- Trash and recycling bags
- 5-gallon buckets
- Small hand tools such as loppers or hand shears
- Learn more...

Snow Hero
Become a Snow Hero
The Snow Hero Program is a "Neighbors Helping Neighbors" program that matches residents who need assistance to clear snow and ice from their sidewalks with a Snow Hero. The program is intended to assist residents who physically cannot remove snow from their adjacent sidewalks and do not have other resources to remove snow accumulation.
Snow Heroes will be matched with a nearby neighbor to help assist in clearing snow and ice from only the sidewalk(s) adjacent to the property within 48 hours of the conclusion of the most recent snow event.
Requirements for Snow Heroes
- Be 18 years or older.
- Anyone under the age of 18 needs parent/guardian approval.
- Provide your own snow removal equipment and transportation. Such as a shovel or snow blower.
- Assist within 48 hours of the most recent snow fall.
- A representative can register a group, organization, school, or club.
- Complete and sign the Registration Form.
- Communicate with the program coordinator if you are unable to fulfill the commitment.
- Be 18 years or older.