Get Involved: Sustainability - Community Steward - Adopt-A- Programs

Community Steward - Adopt-A- Programs
- Description:
The Community Stewards Program works to empower community members to take action, encourage resilience through volunteerism, and increase the health of the community. The program consists of three “Adopt-A” style programs where individuals or groups commit to maintaining designated sections of trails, roadways, or stream sections by removing litter, invasive species, stream blocking woody vegetation and debris.
Community Steward Volunteers may request supplies for any of their coordinated clean-up efforts. They must submit a request for supplies at least two weeks prior to any clean-up effort. The following supplies are available for “check-out”:
- Safety vests
- Disposable gloves
- Trash pickers
- Trash and recycling bags
- 5-gallon buckets
- Small hand tools such as loppers or hand shears
- Time Commitment:
Adoptions have a two-year requirement, with a minimum of 3 cleanups per year. Cleanups can take place anytime of the year with safe weather conditions. Cleanup Supplies are available for pickup two-days prior to the event. Supplies are returned no later than the Monday after the cleanup. Reporting for the cleanup is due on the Monday after the cleanup.
Time Commitment
- 1-2 hours per cleanup. (average)
- 2-3 times per year (minimum)
- A minimum of 3 cleanups per year.
- Volunteer Benefits:
- Public facing name on Adopt-A sign
- Education on Invasive Plant Species
- Becoming more familiar with the Flagstaff area